
News you can use

  • Unit Owners

    Keep the community beautiful…Pick up and properly dispose of trash! Weigh your items down on trash pick-up day to prevent them from blowing around. Pick up free newspapers and properly dispose of them instead of letting them accumulate on your driveway! Please store your garbage and recycling containers inside your unit at all times other than the period beginning the evening prior to and ending on the evening of your scheduled pick-up.

    Keep the community safe by getting to know your neighbors and reporting suspicious activity you may see in the area to the Police Department. Turn on your exterior lights when it’s dark out!

  • Pet Owners

    Please pick up after your pet as soon as it “does its business!” Also, pets must be leashed at all times when outside. It’s the law.

  • Mouse Facts

    Each winter, mice and other rodents invade an estimated 21 million homes in the United States. In most cases, mice enter our homes between October and February looking for food, water and shelter from the cold. Mice eat between 15 and 20 times a day. They usually build their homes near a food source for easy access to snacking. Because mice love food and are fantastic climbers, food in your pantry should be kept in hard sealed containers. Mice are also great jumpers and swimmers. They can jump almost a foot in the air. Mice have the ability to squeeze into very tight spaces. People often wonder how mice entered their home. Any small crack is an opening for them so sealing all cracks and crevices is very important. A female house mouse can give birth when she is two months old and is able to have to up to a dozen babies every three weeks. If you see one mouse, it’s very likely that there are more.

Please visit this page often as information is added regularly!